Chocolate nut butter smoothie

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Who doesn’t love Chocolate? Replace your breakfast with this healthy chocolate nut butter smoothie packed with all essential amino acids, antioxidants from dark chocolate, healthy fats from chia seeds and almond butter, and bananas.

This recipe serves 2.

In the blender add:

1 frozen banana (Take a banana, slice it, store in the glass container and then freeze it overnight in the fridge compartment of your refrigerator). I always keep some frozen bananas ready for my morning smoothies. Bananas replace the need for sugar. They are packed with fiber, vitamin B6, potassium, and various antioxidants.

1 tablespoon chia seeds. ( Packed with calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, zinc and omega 3 fatty acids)

1 packet of high-quality chocolate protein powder or chocolate protein shake (I use one of XS protein shake / XS Protein Pods Chocolate / Bodykey by Nutrilite Meal Replacement shake)

1 cup organic unsweetened almond milk.

1 tablespoon organic cacao powder.

2 tablespoon organic almond butter or mixed nut butter.

1/2 cup ice cubes

Mix all the ingredients in the blender until smooth and serve. If you want you can top your smoothie with banana slices and chocolate chips.