Tomato, Watermelon and goat cheese salad with Balsamic Chocolate Dressing

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This cooling scrumptious salad is perfect for a hot summer day.

The recipe will give 3 servings.


Balsamic Chocolate Dressing

1/2 Cup of Organic Balsamic Vinegar

1/3 cup of organic extra virgin olive oil

2 tablespoons of unsweetened organic cocoa powder. If you prefer to use cacao powder, use less quantity as it is bitter and stronger than cocoa powder.

1/4 cup organic raw honey

Pinch of salt

1/4 cup of honey mustard

2-3 Dried red chilies whole

Blend it in the mixer

Use immediately or Pour in the jar and refrigerate it.


1 head butter lettuce chopped or 2 cups organic Arugula.

1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, cut in half ( you can choose red or yellow)

3 cups cubed and chilled water Mellon

8 - 9 fresh basil leaves finely chopped

8 - 9 fresh mint leaves finely chopped

1/4 cup goat cheese or feta cheese (I prefer goat cheese due to its creamy texture)

1/4 cup finely sliced almonds for garnish.

Salt and pepper to taste

In a serving bowl, arrange lettuce or arugula, watermelon, and tomatoes. Sprinkle mint leaves, and basil leaves, Drizzle the dressing. Finish with cheese, salt, and pepper. Garnish with almonds. Enjoy.