Delicious Spinach, Avocado and Pistachio soup served with Garlic Bread

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This rich cream soup is my new favorite. Rich in healthy fats and full of fiber this soup is the perfect balance of healthy fats, fiber, and protein. This soup is very filling when served with a small piece of Garlic Bread so it can be served a meal when you want to have a simple meal.


1 medium Avocado

1/4 cup soaked pistachio nuts ( remove the shells and soak the nuts for 5-6 hours in warm water)

1/4 cup soaked cashew nuts ( soak the nuts for 5-6 hours in warm water)

1/4 cup of light cream

2 cups of blanched spinach

2 cups of water from blanched spinach

1 tablespoon organic cow ghee

1 clove of garlic

1 small piece of ginger

salt and pepper to taste

1 small fresh jalapeno


In a blender, make a fine paste from soaked pistachio nuts and cashew nuts.

Remove the skin and seed of avocado and cut it into small cubes.

Dice jalapeno into small pieces.

In a medium saucepan, heat ghee over low to medium flame.

Crush garlic and ginger in the mortar and add the paste to the ghee.

Saute it on low flame till you can smell the aroma.

Now turn off the gas.

Add blanched spinach, diced jalapeno, nuts paste, the ginger and garlic which is sauteed in ghee, avocado cubes in the blender and make a fine puree.

Transfer the puree to the saucepan.

Add water from blanched spinach, light cream, salt, and pepper.

Let it simmer on a slow flame for 10-12 minutes while stirring constantly.

Serve hot with garlic bread.