Passionate Pitta
In our previous blog, we learned about Vibrant Vata and how they can stay in balance. Today we are going to learn about Passionate Pitta. The fundamental function of Pitta is Transformation and Metabolism
Fire and water are the elements of Pitta. All bodily functions related to transformation and metabolism like digestion of food into energy are governed by Pitta. It also governs the absorption of nutrients and body temperature.
This summer, I had the privilege of enjoying the wildlife in my backyard and I saw a sparrow hawk. It was sitting on the fence near the bird feeder, I guess waiting for the prey. I had never seen this bird in my backyard before so I enjoyed this rare sight and observed how focused the bird was. I realized that’s my example of Pitta Bird. Other examples of Pitta animals are Lion, Tiger, Bald Eagle, etc.
Qualities of Pitta: Very similar to those of Fire. Hot, light, intense, penetrating, pungent, sharp, acidic. People with a predominance of the Pitta principle have a fierce nature, very passionate, highly intellectual, and are born leaders.
Physical Characteristics: Pitta types are usually of medium size and weight with a penetrating gaze. Early greying of hair is very common. Also, baldness or thinning hair is a common problem. They are like goats of the human world as they have excellent digestion and when hungry they become angry or hangry. They sleep soundly for short periods of time. When in balance, Pittas have a lustrous copper-toned complexion, perfect digestion, abundant energy, and a strong appetite. They perspire easily and have warm hands and feet.
When out of balance, Pittas may suffer from skin rashes, burning sensations, peptic ulcers, excessive body heat, conjunctivitis, prickly heat, heartburn, and indigestion.
Emotional Characteristics: Great concentration, sharp intellect, and amazing focus. When they’re in balance, they are good decision-makers, teachers, leaders, and speakers. They are precise, blunt, sharp-witted, direct, courageous, and often outspoken. When Out-of-balance they are short-tempered, agitated, jealous, critical, and argumentative. They can become reckless, hostile, highly competitive, demanding, and hostile.
Balancing Pitta
The same principles of Samanya and Vishesha which we discussed in our last blog apply here in balancing out of balance Pitta. As we saw earlier when any dosha is out of balance, Ayurveda recommends the use of 5 senses to bring it back in balance along with herbal supplements.
By Taste :
The best tastes to pacify Pitta are sweet, bitter, and astringent.
Minimize foods that are sour, salty and pungent tastes.
To counterbalance the hot nature of the Pitta dosha, Ayurveda traditionally recommends foods that are cooling.
By Touch: To balance Pitta perform deep tissue massage with cooling oils like coconut oil.
By Sound: To balance the unbalanced Pitta mind, choose soothing sounds like falling rain, waterfalls, sounds of the ocean, soft jazz. flute, calming. Choose relaxing music that can keep you calm.
By Sight: Out of balance Pitta mind can be balanced with soft cool colors like blues, whites, and greens.
By Smell: Cooling soothing and sweet flowery aromas, such as sandalwood, jasmine, rose and lavender can help balance Pitta mind
Pitta Types can get very competitive hence they have to be very careful when they exercise so that they do not overexert themselves or hurt themselves by over-exercising. They will benefit the most from swimming, jogging, brisk walks, skiing, biking, outdoor activities, Pilates, Yin Yoga, strength training.
In short, avoid heat. Hot temperatures, steams spas and saunas, too much salt or sour food, fried spicy food, summer heat and anything which will aggravate or agitate you like heated arguments. If you want to find your unique mind body type / Dosha feel free to contact me .