Virgin Hot Toddy

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This Kapha balancing recipe is perfect for a rainy day or cold winter days ideal to boost your sluggish digestion and remove access Kapha. Do not consume it if you are pitta type or on hot summer days.

Ingredients :

1 and 1/2 cup water

1/2 tablespoon fresh ginger juice

1 tablespoon lemon juice

2 tablespoons pure organic honey

1 Cinnamon stick

2-3 Cloves

1 Star anise


In a pot, add the water and put it to boil on medium flame. Add cinnamon stick, cloves, and star anise. Boil the water till it reduces to 1 cup. Remove the pan from the stove. Pour the water in a coffee mug by passing it through the tea strainer and to remove clove, cinnamon stick, and star anize. Add lemon juice, ginger juice, and honey. Garnish with mint leaves. Enjoy.