Cilantro and Mint Chutney

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Indian cooking is incomplete without its chutneys and pickles. There are several kinds of chutneys which you will find in India and today I bring you the most basic one which has been part of our family’s kitchen for ages.


1 Bunch of Cilantro or 2 cups of fresh chopped and washed cilantro leaves (Finely chopped Washed multiple times thoroughly to remove soil. The trick of washing cilantro is to take a large saucepan with cold water. Put the chopped cilantro in it. Mix with hand, let it sit for minutes, and then with your hands remove the leaves making sure not to stir the water so that the soil remains settled at the bottom. Repeat at least 3 times)

1-2 cloves of garlic

1/2 inch piece of ginger

juice of 1 lemon

salt to taste

1 teaspoon of sugar

7-8 leaves of fresh mint washed

5-6 curry leaves washed

3-4 green chilies

5-6 peanuts (optional)

Blend all the ingredients except salt, sugar, and lemon juice in fine paste using the food processor. Take it out in the bowl, add salt, sugar, and lemon juice. Mix well. Enjoy with roti or toast or bread or nan or kababs.