How to have a forever beautiful skin?

Skin is the largest organ of the human body and the most delicate one. Also, facial skin is more delicate than the one on the rest of the body.

Your skin tells a lot about your lifestyle. If you have radiant glowing youthful skin during your 40s and 50s, it means you know a thing or two about skin health and how to maintain that glow. If you don’t, we are here to help.

Your skin reveals the story of your life. It reflects everything from the laughter and joy, the stress and frowns, the peace of mind, and the calmness that you have experienced. You might think, a few aging spots here and there shows a life well lived but the problem occurs when you start looking older than you actually are. When you start looking like the grandma of your kids instead of looking like a “Glam-ma” of your grandkids. When you age, the wrinkles, dry zones, fine lines, aging spots, and sagging skin show how much your skin has endured right from poor eating habits, poor sleep habits, stress, smoking, drinking, and living a life on the edge.

Sure you can go ahead and spend thousands of dollars on expensive treatment like visiting a plastic surgeon for collagen or other skin plumper’s or injecting your skin with Botox or going for a facelift or chemical peels which will cost anywhere from 600$ per treatment to 6000$ for face life depending on what you opt for or you could reach out to me for noninvasive, healthy strategies that can prevent or reduce the signs of aging. We all know that beauty is skin deep. One cannot expect to continue living life on the edge with their reckless habits and still have firm, radiant, beautiful skin and a healthy body. My vision is to coach people to improve their lifestyle, provide them with natural and non-invasive remedies which can give them not only beautiful and radiant skin but also restore their vitality.

To start with, here are a few tips to improve your skin health

Protect your skin from harsh UVA and UVB rays. Yes, use sunscreen. Even on cloudy days because 80% of the sun’s rays penetrate the fog and clouds. Cover up with sunglasses to protect the eye area and put on the hat too if the sun is too bright. Sunglasses will prevent crow’s feet and wrinkles on the forehead as they will stop you from squinting your eyes due to the bright sun. If you start feeling a burning sensation on your skin, it is time to go in the shade. Say No to tanning booths. They are as harmful as the sun.

Stop smoking. Smoking and tobacco will cause havoc on your skin. It reduces the blood flow to the skin, destroys the elasticity of your skin by damaging the collagen fibers. Nicotine narrows the blood vessels and reduces the flow of the blood through the capillaries of your facial skin which causes wrinkles and loss of firmness. It even damages the skin of your lips. Even the most expensive treatments will not reverse the damage caused by smoking.

Stay hydrated. When you age, your skin becomes dehydrated due to which it losses elasticity. So drink ample water to keep your skin hydrated and moist.

Eat foods that have lots of vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Zinc, Omega 3 fatty acids. Eat high-quality fresh fruits and vegetables of all colors. Consume olive oil, almond oil, coconut, almonds, walnuts, green tea, berries, and other fruits, leafy green vegetables, Nut- butter, beans, legumes, and sprouts. Avoid red meat, butter, lard, potatoes, Margarine, sugar, food packed with preservatives, artificial sweeteners, artificial colors, fast food, and soft drinks. Reduce caffeine and alcohol. If you see, these dietary choices will not only improve your skin but also improve your health inside out.

Get your beauty sleep. During sleep, your skin regenerates collagen and keratin. Lack of sleep can cause dark circles, eye bags, and your skin can lose its luster.

Last but not the least, keep stress at bay with meditation, mindfulness. lots of love and plenty of laughter.

There are several other non-invasive remedies that can help you look and feel 10 years younger no matter what your age. If you wish to slow down aging or just maintain youthful radiant skin, contact me to schedule your skin consultation.