Quick Tips on Healthy Skin

As we approach spring and summer here are few tips on how to take good care of your skin:

  1. Apply a good quality sunscreen. Yeah, I know we all like to tan but trust me you need a broad-spectrum sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful UV-A and UV-B rays. UV-A rays speed up the aging process of your skin and UV-B rays increase your chances of developing skin cancer.

  2. Drink plenty of water. Yes, to maintain a healthy glow on your skin and reduce the aging process, water is important. It hydrates your body and skin, flushes out toxins, and aids in healthy-looking, young, and radiant skin. An added benefit is that it promotes weight loss too.

  3. Stay away from sugar and sugar substitutes. We have heard this million times but still, we need to repeat this again and again. For everyone, determination to stay away from sugar does not last long and hence we need to repeat this again and again. Sugar is harmful to your skin and body in several ways. I can probably write a thesis on the harmful effects of sugar but let's keep that for some other time and stick to the topic at hand.

  4. Munch on mixed nuts and fresh, good quality, raw fruits and vegetables. You will get all the required healthy omega 3's from nuts for glowing skin while fresh fruits and veggies will give you phytonutrients, antioxidants, and fibre which will help your body to remove toxins. As far as fresh produce is concerned, stick to locally grown produce and supplement your diet with natural organic non-GMO vitamins (I can probably go on and on regarding the need to supplement the diet with good vitamins but let's also keep that for some other time).

  5. Ladies, I know we all like to look pretty when we wake up but please remove your makeup before you go to bed with a good quality makeup remover and follow up with your routine skincare regime before bedtime. Leaving makeup on will age your skin faster.