Personal Branding: Dos and Don'ts

Branding is an age-old concept in the business world that should be used by anyone who wants to differentiate themselves from their competition. The concept of branding is widely popular in the business world and businesses pay thousands of dollars to create their brand. When we use the same concept at a personal level, it becomes personal branding. Personal branding is very important during these times of cutthroat competition, when you are seeking a perfect job or you are a small business that wants to thrive, you want to set yourself apart from your competition so that you have a better edge over others.

You like it or not, you already have a brand. It can be either positive or negative. Your brand is your reputation. It reflects your character. Even though we say that we do not care what others think of us, it is important to have a sound character to achieve professional, career, and social wellbeing.

Personal branding is not self-promotion but it is a way to educate your future employers or your target customers about the values you bring to the table. The process also helps you introspect and promotes personal and professional growth. Personal branding helps you to identify your strengths, your weaknesses, and your unique traits. It is a method to create your unique value proposition. It teaches you to capitalize on your strengths and work on your weaknesses so that you can grow and be better.

Getting started:

If you are new to this concept, start by making a list of your strengths, weaknesses, and your unique traits.

Seek input from a few people in your close network. Most of the time we underestimate our strengths and overestimate our weaknesses. Also, we have a tendency to compare our weaknesses with someone else’s strengths. This is the main reason for lack of self-confidence. Hence seeking input from a trusted source is highly beneficial as they are like a mirror. Their non-biased opinion will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Identify your goal or your purpose, your values, your vision statement, and your mission statement in life. A vision is something which is near to your heart. It is how you envision yourself or your life in the future while a mission focuses on objectives and methods you would identify to bring your vision to reality. Don’t worry if you are not clear as It is easy to get confused between the two. Also, your vision, as well as the mission, should be in alignment with your goal or dreams or your purpose and your values. Hence having a clarity of purpose or clarity of “The Why” is of utmost importance. It is also important to know your values. Everyone has some moral values and beliefs. The only way to stay true to self and happy is by adhering to those.

If you don’t have a clear purpose or Why it’s okay. Start by journaling your thoughts on how would you want to live your life 5-10-15 years down the road. This is not about professional growth or career progression. Understand the difference between your purpose and professional goals so that you don’t get burned out and live the life of quiet desperation. Your purpose or your dreams or your goals are about how you want to live your life while your professional goals or career goals are the means to achieve your goals or your purpose. The best way to identify your Why is by filling up a simple worksheet. Click here to download the simple worksheet and get started.

Stay authentic and genuine throughout the process.

Now that you have done the groundwork, you can develop your personal brand that highlights your strengths and your unique value proposition. Personal branding will help you bring out your inner genius.

Finally, it is time to shine your light. Let your target audience know, what you have to offer. create your resume. Build your brand on social media. Just make sure that you are consistent on all the social platforms.

Hire a coach. Every successful person has a coach. A coach can help you to bring out your inner genius. If you are someone who wants to do more and accomplish more, then investing in personal development is worth every cent you spend.