How to Take Care of Your Facial Skin

Achieve youthful-looking skin in 3 simple steps:

Step 1: Cleanse

Cleanse facial skin at least twice daily. In the morning and before bed at night to remove dust, environmental pollution, oil, makeup, and pore-clogging impurities from the surrounding environment.

How to apply cleanser:
Dampen your facial skin with water. Apply cleanser on your face using your fingertips. Massage into your face and neck in a circular motion until you reach a thick lather, avoiding contact with your eyes. Rinse thoroughly with water and pat face dry with a clean towel.

Step 2: Tone

If cleansing is the wash cycle for your face, toning is the rinse cycle. It is important to apply toner after cleansing. Toner prepares your skin for moisturizer. It removes any final traces of impurities. This is a very important step in your basic skincare routine.

How to apply toner:

Take a couple of drops of toner on a cotton ball. Take that moist cotton ball and apply gently all over your face, avoiding the eye area.

Step 3: Moisturize

Moisturizers provide the facial skin with deep lasting hydration. It leaves skin feeling moisturized, smooth, soft, and supple.

How to apply moisturizer:

Take a few drops on your fingertips and apply in circular motion smoothly on your face and neck area. Avoid contact with eyes.


Who should take care of their skin?

Everyone who has skin should be taking care of it. Yes, men also need to take care of their skin.

Facial skin is more delicate than the skin of the rest of your body and hence it needs special attention.

Also, make sure to hydrate your body properly with pure water. Caffeine tends to dehydrate your skin. For every cup of coffee or tea, you need to drink 1-2 glasses of pure water.

How do I pick the right product to get optimal results?

Everyone’s skin is unique and hence your skincare should also be specifically designed to cater to your needs. Do not just pick anything from the counter and apply it to your face. Make sure that the product you are using is free of alcohol and oils. Your skin needs moisture, not oils. Oils will clog your pores.

Most importantly, schedule an appointment with a certified skin analyst to figure out your skin type so that you can use the right products.

To schedule an appointment, visit fill-up the form and hit the schedule. Your first consultation is on us.