Spiced Buttermilk (Ayurvedic Takra)

In my home state of Gujarat, this is the most commonly consumed drink all year round and while growing up we used to consume it almost daily even without realizing the benefits of it.

Spiced buttermilk or Takra is Kashaya (astringent), Amla (sour) in taste, and becomes Madhura (sweet) on digestion. It is easily digestible, hot in potency, increases digestive fire, bestows nourishment, removes Ama (Toxins), and pacifies all doshas depending on the spices you put in it. This recipe is mainly focused on removing Ama and kindling your digestive Agni.

Takra helps in abdominal diseases (Grahani) as it is easily digestible and has pacifying properties.  Ayurveda says that a person who consumes Takra regularly does not suffer from any disease. It provides essential nutrients and probiotics without providing unnecessary fats. While yogurt is heavy to digest and it increases Kapha dosha, Takra is beneficial for people with Manda Agni and can kindle your Agni.


1 cup Indian Yogurt (Desi Dahi)

4 cups filtered water

Pinch of dry ginger powder

Pinch of hingwastak

Pinch of cumin powder (dry roast cumin seeds and then in a spice grinder make a powder)

Pinch of Himalayan pink salt


Take 1 cup of Indian dahi and 4 cups of water in a mixer bowl.

Blend in a mixer bowl for 10-15 seconds. Fat will float on the top as a foam, remove the fat. Repeat 3 times to remove all fat.

Now add a pinch of hingvastak, a pinch of dry ginger powder, a pinch of Himalayan salt, and a pinch of cumin powder. Blend again for 10 seconds. Fill up the jar and from this jar consume 1 small glass or 1 cup 30 mins before meals.

Please Note: For extra heat, you can add 1 finely chopped green chili. If you want to cool it down a bit, add cumin and fennel powder instead of green chili and dry ginger powder.

Garnish with mint leaves.

 You can store that fat in the freezer that you removed and make ghee from it once you collect enough fat.