Raw Mango Salsa

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Traditionally when we talk about Mango Salsa most people use ripe Mangos but I bring you the twist with this raw mango salsa for people like me who love spicy and tangy instead of sweet. For everyone who loves the sweet and sour taste, I will post the recipe of traditional ripe mango salsa as well.

Raw mangos are high in vitamin C, calcium, magnesium which are useful for releasing toxins from the body. Raw mangoes are also high in niacin, which helps boost cardiovascular health.


1 Raw mango. ( Here in the US, raw mangos are not too sour. If you are making this recipe in India, please use Totapuri mango which is not too sour).

1 large tomato (boiled, peeled, and seeded. Cut the tomato in half, remove the seeds and then boil on medium flame in a saucepan filled with water for 5-10 minutes till it is soft. Turn off the heat, remove the tomato from the pan, let it cool down and then remove the peel)

2 jalapenos

1 small onion

1 lime or lemon

salt to taste

Cilantro to garnish

1 teaspoon honey (optional)


Chop mango, tomato, onions, and jalapenos into big pieces. Add them to the hand food processor. With the help of a hand food processor dice them into tiny pieces. Remove them in a mixing bowl. Add salt and juice of 1/2 lemon or lime. Add honey and mix thoroughly. Taste. Add more lemon/lime juice and salt if needed. Garnish with Cilantro and relish.