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Holiday cookies

The holiday season is incomplete without Christmas cookies.

Why not add some healthy ingredients like Nutrilite All Plant Protein Powder to your cookies to pack them with plant-based protein so that you can take one more to your plate without guilt?

Give this recipe a try!


300g butter, softened

¼ cup brown sugar

½ cup sugar

½ cup cornflour

1 cup flour

½ cup Nutrilite All Plant Protein Powder

In a large bowl mix butter, brown sugar, and sugar

Gradually add flour mixture until dough forms

Chill cookie dough

Roll out dough on a lighty flour surface and use the cookie cutters to shape your cookies. Set the cut cookies in the baking tray. Chill it for 30 minutes and then bake at 140C for 15 minutes.

Enjoy with a cup of hot chocolate or just chilled milk.