Elevate your well-being with Radiant Confidence: An Ayurvedic perspective on modern-day ailments.

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Why do you need a coach?

Coaching is an instrument to help clients achieve a higher level of well-being and performance in professional as well as personal life, mainly when change is difficult to make. In this thought-provoking and creative process, the coach will form a partnership with the client to inspire and support the client to maximize their personal and professional potential. In this process, the coach’s responsibility is to discover, clarify and align with what the client wants to achieve and encourage the client's self-discovery. Coach is also your accountability partner so that you can collaborate with your coach to create sustainable long-term changes in your lifestyle to improve your productivity. A coach will facilitate your self-discovery and forward momentum. The outcome of the coaching process is increased self-awareness, personal responsibility, sustainable behavior change, increased self-efficacy, increased optimal well-being, increased life satisfaction, and attainment of personal and professional goals. Coaching will help you to navigate the inevitable obstacles like confusion, resistance, and ambivalence in making changes.

When you try to make any positive changes in your life, it is very natural to lose enthusiasm after a few days at the sight of the slightest obstacle. That is the reason why all the gyms which are packed in January of every year lose half of the enthusiastic crowd by April. Most of the people break the resolutions they make on 1st January by 15th January. Research has shown that people who have a coach and an accountability buddy are more likely to pursue positive lifestyle changes even after the enthusiasm of the initial decision-making phase fades away. To accomplish anything in life and make a long-term sustainable change, it is important to determine your why, stay focused and overcome obstacles. Coaching is the process that holds you accountable for making changes in your life and facilitates you to turn your dreams and goals into reality.

As experts, correctly quote, your everyday habits become your destiny. Your coach is your accountability partner and your guide in this journey to excellence. With the help and encouragement from your coach, you will have self-motivation and self-regulation to form success habits so that you can embark upon a journey of change towards reaching your fullest potential. In this journey, you will acquire mindfulness, positivity, self-awareness, self-efficacy, optimism, optimal well-being, and resilience which will lead to creating sustainable behavior change so that you can accomplish your personal and professional goals.

Feel free to reach out and schedule your free discovery call so that you can embark upon the journey towards reaching your fullest potential.