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Survive back to school stress

As life is returning to normal with the majority of us getting vaccinated, parents find it challenging to transition from online schooling, zooming in the class and meetings to getting up early to the alarm clocks and getting kids ready so that they don’t miss their school bus.

Here are some tips to get ready for back to school. These suggestions will reduce your stress and put you back in control.  

Old is gold. Get back to your old good night routine for school

During the pandemic, people developed a habit of staying up late and sleeping in past breakfast, especially teens. Sleep-deprived kids and parents both become cranky and it makes school mornings tough. Getting a good night's sleep and developing a sleep routine is an essential part of staying healthy and happy when kids are returning back to school. 

A few weeks ahead of the first day of school to form a habit, start sending your kids to bed a bit earlier each night and set an alarm a little earlier each morning.

By the time of the first day of school, they should be back on their traditional bedtime and wake-up routine.

Don’t wait for your back-to-school shopping till the last minute 

We have been hard times since last year and a half. Everyone is eager to return to normal life and hence most of the parents will start shopping early. There is already a shortage of materials so you don’t want to go shopping at the last minute and find out that all the school supplies are sold out.

Start shopping as soon as you receive the supply list and be prepared so that you have gotten it out of the way and it will help you eliminate the last-minute shopping stress. Check with the school if they have posted the list on their website or the teachers can email it to you.

Make shopping for school supplies a fun activity for your kids so that they too are excited about returning back to their normal life.

Quick and healthy breakfast ideas

Plan ahead for quick, healthy breakfasts by trying some recipes to make sure that your kids will love to eat their breakfast. You are fortunate if you really have time to make fresh breakfast like omelets or waffles or pancakes. Count your blessings. Also, you can pre-plan breakfast and lunch on weekends. Smoothies, breakfast sandwiches, oat muffins, homemade energy bars from nuts and seeds, are some great and easy breakfasts ideas for both kids and adults.

Whole grain items like bread for toast, frozen waffles, oatmeal, or meal bars when paired with fruit or yogurt can become a well-balanced meal.

You can keep frozen fruit on hand to make smoothies by adding kale or spinach to it along with Nutrilite™ All Plant Protein Powder. You will find smoothie recipes in the recipe section of my website.

If your child wakes up late and does not have time for breakfast, you can always slip something in their bag as they walk out the door, like a banana or a  Nutrilite™ Kids Superfood Smoothie or Nutrilite™ wellness bar. These smoothies provide them with soy-free protein, 100% pure fruit, and plenty of essential vitamins to help hold them over until their next meal.  

Plan for Healthy school lunches

Stock up your pantry with all the school lunch staples and nutritious snacks your kids will eat. That last part is key as the most nutritious lunch in the world won’t do them any good if they don’t eat it. Learn to read nutrition labels to plan healthy lunch which has lean protein, whole grains, veggies, and fruits. You can make sandwiches or wraps. Pack some whole grain chips or whole-grain crackers or trail mixes as snacks. Just make sure that the trail mixes don’t have sugar or preservatives.

Proper planning prevents poor performance. Prepare ahead of time. At least aim for the night before so that you don’t have to worry in the morning when you are sending them off to school..

Plan the outfits also at night and say no to wardrobe emergencies

If you want the mornings to go without stress, make sure your kids have packed everything they need for school on the previous night. This includes the outfits they are going to wear in the morning. School mornings will go much more smoothly.

Have them check their backpacks at night, too, making sure everything inside is ready to go.

Spend quality time with your kids

2020-2021 has been stressful for all of us. Being stuck in the house throughout the pandemic has caused stress and anxiety for many. Your kids are also prone to some kind of stress so spend quality time with them. Talk with them without judging them. Hear them out and let them express their feelings so that they are prepared to return to school with masks on if required. It is important that you talk with them and prepare them about what to expect upon returning back to school. They might be nervous about returning back to school and might have questions on how to deal with the new normal. Just be there for your kids and listen to them without judging them.

Devote time for your self-care

During these stressful times, make sure you have allocated enough time for your self-care so that you can keep going like an energizer bunny. Add your favorite items to the shopping list. Meditate to enjoy a quiet morning before everyone is up and demanding your attention.