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Better Alternatives to Processed Sugar and Harmful Artificial Sweeteners

We already know that excessive amounts of added sugar are harmful to our health. As we have seen in the previous blog posts, a high intake of sugar can increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, cancer and other health problems. Also, sugar is addictive as it causes our brain to release dopamine which leads to cravings and overeating. We have seen in our previous blogs on how sugar sneaks into our food so it is important for us to be extra vigilant while we shop and read labels as well as nutrition facts before we purchase any packaged food.

At the same time, artificial sweeteners are not healthy either. We humans have been very innovative to satisfy our sweet tooth. Some ideas are not healthy at all but at the same time, we do have a few better alternatives.

As we know that there are lots of harmful side effects of excessive added sugar and artificial sweeteners on our health so we have always been trying to find better alternatives. In today’s blog, we are going to discuss a few better alternatives to processed sugar and harmful artificial sweeteners.

  1. Stevia:- Stevia is a natural sweetener that is extracted from a plant called Stevia rebaudiana. It has no side effects and is zero calories sweetener. Studies have shown that it also has some health benefits like lowering blood pressure, blood sugar levels and insulin levels. Stevia also has antioxidant compounds like glycosides and steviosides. Also when you buy this, get organic raw Stevia instead of the processed ones. Even though it is zero calories sweetener, I recommend to use it in moderation because when we add it in a desert which we consume there are added calories that come from other macronutrients.

  2. Xylitol:- Xylitol is sugar alcohol with a glycemic index which is 10 times lower than sugar. It is not a zero-calorie sweetener. It has 2.4 calories per gram which are 40% less than sugar but it does not have any valuable nutrients so it has empty calories. It can have few health benefits as it helps in the prevention of tooth decay. It does not increase blood sugar levels or insulin levels. Also, it acts like soluble fiber and thus supports gut bacteria. Studies have shown that it may help in improving calcium absorption in our body which can help in the prevention of osteoporosis.

  3. Erythritol:- Erythritol is another sugar alcohol and has 5% calories of sugar along with 70% sweetness of sugar. Studies show that it may have minimal effect on blood sugar levels as most of it is extracted via urine and is not absorbed in the small intestine. Use it in moderation because overconsumption might cause minor digestive issues like flatulence, bloating and diarrhea mostly in children.

  4. Monk Fruit Extract:- Pure monk fruit extract is also a great natural alternative to sugar as it has zero calories and has zero carbs. I have used it in my coffee and it does not have after taste. It helps in controlling blood sugar levels. It also has natural antioxidant (mogrosides).

  5. Yacon Syrup:- Pure Yacon Syrup is extracted from the Yacon plant. Organic Pure unprocessed natural Yacon syrup is thick in consistency, sweet, dark in color. It contains 40-50% fructooligosaccharides. These fructooligosaccharides cannot be digested by our body and hence it contains one-third of the calories than regular sugar. Studies have shown that they can help in weight loss too as they may decrease levels of hunger hormone Ghrelin and hence they can help in suppressing the appetite. They support healthy gut bacteria and hence improve overall gut health and decrease the risk of diabetes. However, overconsumption can lead to minor digestive issues. One more thing you have to keep in mind is that Yacon syrup cannot be heated as heat break downs fructooligosaccharides but you can add it to smoothies, overnight oats or your coffee.

Also, there are other natural sugars which are not as good as above mentioned natural alternatives to sugars but are less bad than sugar or artificial sweeteners. Here is a brief introduction to those:

  1. Coconut Sugar:- Extracted from sap of coconut palm. It has few nutrients like iron, zinc, calcium, potassium, and antioxidants. It is also high in inulin which is natural fiber due to which it has low GI than sugar but it has the same amount of calories and is very high in fructose so it should be used rarely.

  2. Honey:- Thick golden liquid produced by honey bees is rich in antioxidants and micronutrients. It helps in lowering LDL and triglycerides. It also helps in increasing HDL. Also honey is anti-inflammatory and offers health benefits so it is a better alternative than sugar but it is high in fructose so it should be used sparingly.

  3. Maple Syrup:- This thick liquid is Produced from maple sap. It has good amount of minerals and is rich in antioxidants and has some anti-cancer benefits. It has a lower GI than sugar hence is a better alternative than sugar but it still is high in fructose.

  4. Blackstrap molasses and Jaggery:- Both of these are produced by boiling down sugar cane juice. Molasses can also be produced by boiling down sugar beet juice. Both of these natural alternatives contain nutrients that can support bone health and heart health. They may also help regulate blood sugar levels but again they are still high in sugar so they should be consumed sparingly. I personally prefer raw unprocessed organic Jaggery over Molasses.

  5. Dates:- Dates are nutrient-dense fruit that has several health benefits. They are high in several nutrients, fiber, and antioxidants, all of which may provide health benefits ranging from improved digestion to a reduced risk of diseases. You can eat them as a snack or add them to the deserts. They are still high in calories( 100 grams of dates have 277 calories) so you might want to limit yourself to few. We shall discuss their health benefits in detail in the future but you can substitute sugar with dates in your dishes.

In short, eating too much sugar is linked to several diseases so you can substitute the above mentioned natural sweeteners to your dishes instead of sugar but keep in mind that you use them moderately. Also if you are watching calories for any reason,  you will need to take total calories of that dish into consideration before you indulge too much in the desert. I strongly recommend doing the proper planning. If you are planning to eat the desert then I recommend avoiding carbs in the main course. Also, pair up the desert with a big bowl of greens as a salad and add some protein to the meal. This will add fiber as well as protein to your meal and reduce the GI of the meal. Proper planning prevents poor performance. Also, eat desserts in moderation and keep them for special occasions. As my dad used to say, anything access is poison.