Elevate your well-being with Radiant Confidence: An Ayurvedic perspective on modern-day ailments.

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21 wellness tips for 2021

2020 was hard for all of us and it taught us few lessons. Now that we are working towards returning back to normal filled with hope, courage, determination, and enthusiasm I wanted to give simple tips so that you can achieve wellness and stay well. Definition of insanity is doing the same things again and again expecting different results. We, humans, should not return to our old normal life which got us here. Our old life was busy, lacked work-life balance, and was filled with anxiety, competition, stress, and an unhealthy lifestyle. This is the time to awaken from ignorance and create a new normal in which we are living an easy stress-free life filled with joy, peace, cooperation, and health.

Here are 21 simple wellness tips that you can incorporate into your daily routine if you are determined to create a new normal for yourself. They are simple but not easy as it takes some effort to incorporate into your current lifestyle but where there is a will, there is a way.

1) Mindfulness: Be mindful of your thoughts, emotions, time, and resources. Your thoughts will determine your emotions and the information you put in your mind through your 5 senses will determine the quality of your thoughts. Spend your time and resources to put positive and uplifting information in your mind. Your thoughts determine your habits and your habits will determine your destiny.

2) Take a mental break: Whenever you feel overwhelmed and burnt out. Step back. Close your eyes. Focus on yourself. Use deep breathing or positive self-affirmations or visualization techniques so that you can return to calmness.

3) Keep a gratitude journal: A Gratitude journal will help you stay focused on your blessings. Research has proven that people who have a positive mental attitude are blessed with increased immunity and wellbeing. For overachievers, It is normal to focus on things that are not going in their favor. For most of us 8 out of 10 things are going in our favor but we tend to focus on 2 things that are not working out well for us and lose our peace of mind. A habit of gratitude journaling will help you to count your blessings and develop a positive outlook towards life.

4) Learn from your mistakes: Making mistakes is very normal. It proves that you are a human being and not a robot. Failure and mistakes are stepping stones to success if you learn from them, improvise, and don’t quit. Mistakes give you an opportunity to grow. Embrace them and grow to become a better version of yourself.

5) Focus on mindful breathing: Feeling tense? Step back from whatever you are doing. If you are in a safe place, close your eyes. Put your hand on your belly below your navel. Inhale deeply, hold for 5 seconds, exhale, hold for 5 seconds. Repeat till you calm down.

6) Exercise: Take out some time every day to exercise. When done regularly exercise will help you stay calm, healthy, and happy.

7) Disturbed by opinions of others? Whenever someone criticism emotionally disturbs you, remind yourself that they are viewing you from their perspective or from their point of view. It is not the truth. It’s just their opinion. At the same time, be open to constructive criticism as it is an opportunity for growth.

8) Meditate: Learn to meditate. Meditation will help you stay calm, lower inflammation, and improve your overall health.

9) Get a good night’s sleep: A good night’s sleep is highly required to repair and rejuvenate as it helps to reduce inflammation and improves productivity during the day.

10) Snack mindfully: If you are hungry, don’t snack on junk food. Instead, plan properly and keep healthy snacks like fruits, nuts, or sugar-free trail mixes with you all the time.

11) Hydrate: Staying hydrated throughout the day is very important for several reasons. Water helps you remove toxins from your body, improves blood oxygen circulation, aids with digestion, and nutrient absorption.

12) Choose the right company: Dissociate from toxic people who always criticize you or put you down. Instead, associate with someone who motivates you and uplifts you. Find a cheerleader for yourself and also become a cheerleader for others.

13) Eat mindfully: Instead of rushing through the meals or grabbing the bite on the go, learn to be a mindful eater. Focus on the taste and texture of the food. Ask yourself questions like, what do you like about that particular dish, how do you feel about the food choices you have made, how will it impact your health, are you really hungry or you are bored?

14) Seek professional help for your addictions, if you have any: Addictions like tobacco, smoking, alcohol, substance abuse, binging on junk food are detrimental to your physical, emotional, and social well-being. With proper help, you can overcome anything. Just reach out and get help.

15) Learn to read nutrition labels: When you are shopping in the supermarket, read nutrition labels as sugar, preservatives, and harmful chemicals sneak into your body through packaged food. A little bit of knowledge will help you to stay away from processed foods filled with junk like sugar, chemicals, food colors, and preservatives.

16) Be conscious about the environment: We all know the impact of our lifestyle on the environment of this planet. The scientific facts validate the impact of greenhouse gas emissions on global warming. Air, water, and soil pollution are men made and it impacts our health drastically. Hence as responsible human beings, it is our duty to do whatever it takes so that we contribute towards the reduction of environmental pollution. Your physical, emotional, and social well-being depends on your ability to preserve our planet.

17) Smile often: It is very difficult to stay sad or unhappy while smiling and laughing. Laughter is the best medicine. Make a conscious effort to smile and learn to laugh at your mistakes. This will help you to stay light-hearted and cheerful.

18) Give often: Giving is the best way to improve your social, emotional, and physical well-being. You don’t have to be rich to give. Give a smile, a compliment, your undivided attention, or a helping hand without expecting anything in return. There are several benefits of giving and volunteering like improved mood, improved self-esteem, increases happiness, foster relationships, and increases your ability to make new friends.

19) Spend time in nature: Spending time in nature, develop a hobby, doing some recreational activity, exercise will help you release happy hormones and develop emotional wellbeing.

20) Listen to music and dance like no one is watching: Dancing improves your mood, cardiovascular health, balance, and strength. It boosts mood and improves cognitive performance.

21) Last but not least. Schedule regular physical check-ups with your primary care physician: This helps you to stay in tune with your body. We all know prevention is better than cure. When you address the whispers of your body, you will not have to deal with the screams.

My vision is to empower people to achieve optimal well-being by inspiring them to make easily sustainable long-term lifestyle changes. I look forward to helping you in your wellness journey. Feel free to reach out and schedule your discovery call.